Maryland Restorative Justice Initiative

Unblocking the Exit: News!

1. Because of Maryland’s broken parole system, taxpayers have spent millions of dollars incarcerating people who could safely be released, most of whom are African American.

2. Maryland is one of only three states that require gubernatorial approval to grant parole to parole eligible lifer’s. This requirement wrongly politicizes the parole process.

3. Since 1995, no lifer has been paroled in Maryland, even though more than two thousand people are serving parole-eligible sentences and several dozen have been recommended for release by the Maryland Parole Commission after extensive vetting and review.

4. The average age of individuals who have been recommended for release but are still inside is 60 years old.

5. These people were sentenced with the understanding that they would have a meaningful opportunity for release if they were rehabilitated. Many were expected to serve less than 20 years, and have now served twice that much time.

6. Studies show that people serving life sentences have lower recidivism rates than those convicted of less serious crimes. The success of those released due to the Unger case demonstrates that lifers can return home without compromising public safety. (Since May 2013 over 125 have been released, with no recidivist.)

7. The parole decision should rest with the parole commissioners who have expertise and a thorough process. Without a change, Maryland will continue to spend millions to incarcerate an elderly and aging lifer population who could live safely in the community, simply because of politics.

See the YouTube video: Unblocking the Exit:

Walter Lomax, Executive Director Maryland Restorative Justice Initiative

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