A second coronavirus appeal

Stu Simms in his role as honorary co-chair of MAJR sent a letter to Governor Hogan, with a copy to Sec. Bob Green of MDPSC, about a week ago urging release of persons in prison who would be particularly vulnerable to covid-19.

Prosecutors and others in Baltimore, Prince Georges’s County, and elsewhere in our state have been reducing the incarceration of persons in jails because of the coronavirus, but to my knowledge we are not seeing any such move in our state prisons to date.

We are being told that “social distancing” and disinfection and other activities are underway, but within a very dangerous enclosed environment for staff and incarcerated persons; and Maryland has a large number of aged and ill persons. MAJR and others uirge that several hundred such persons could safely be released to family or other settings (VA, etc.) for greater public and private health results.

Here is a copy of Secretary Simms letter.

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