Stakeholders September

Summary of Comments at the First Stakeholders Meeting
Sponsored by the Justice Reinvestment Coordinating Council
September 10, 2015 Catonsville, Maryland

Christopher Schank, Executive Director of the Justice Reinvestment Coordinating Council (JRCC), convened the first of three stakeholder meetings on September 10 at the Community College of Baltimore County. The meeting room was overflowing with a diverse group of over 60 people representing organizations and individuals concerned with justice reform in Maryland. Commission members Caryn Aslan, David Eppler, Judy Sachwald, and Geraldine Valentino-Smith were also present, listening carefully and often asking questions of participants, who were loosely organized in panels on similar topics. Here are some of the key messages that came through loud and clear.

  1. Prevent incarceration by funding adequate psychological and addiction treatment in communities.
  2. Hold timely parole hearings.
  3. Stop incarcerating people because they cannot afford fines or bail.
  4. Increase the use of community conferencing and community mediation.
  5. Returning citizens need access to housing and employment!
  6. Provide the wraparound services many returning citizens need to succeed.
  7. Support faith-based programs that mentor returning citizens.
  8. End extended solitary confinement.

See the full summary of the testimony at this meeting.

